Peer-reviewed journals:
Brabant C., Bendixen M., Noorbhai. N, Iversen L. L., (2025): Mapping the global impact of mining activities on freshwater biodiversity to inform conservation priorities. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems pdf
Noorbhai. N, Iversen L. L., Rogers K. G., Kübler S., Brabant C., Zhou J., Bendixen, M. (2025): Continental Mapping Of African Sand Mining Shows Contrasting Links To Urban Development. One Earth pdf
Bendixen, M., Roberge, B., Park, J., Didier, D., Boisson, A., Yorston, H., Trottier, L., Hoblyn, A., Lee, J., MacDonald, S., Zhao, S., Traboulsee, L., Rebillard, A., & Iversen, L.L. (2025): DeltaCAN: A new data set of Canadian Arctic and subarctic coastal deltas. Scientific Data pdf
Spiller A., Comte L., Geldmann J., Iversen L.L. (2025): The Interconnected Nature of Multiple Threats is Impacting Freshwater Biodiversity. Biology Letters pdf
Trottier L., Hoblyn A., Iversen L.L. (2025): Seasonal trait variation and functional niche overlap of macrophyte growth forms. Aquatic Botany. pdf
Iversen L.L., Mugabowindekwe M., Bizimana J. P., Bendixen M. (2024): Freshwater ecosystem transitions due to artisanal sand mining in Rwanda. Science of the Total Environment. pdf
Bolpagni R., Iversen L.L., Martin M., Azzella, Hussner A. (2024): A unified understanding of macrophyte ecology and adaptations: plant functional traits and trait-based approaches. Hydrobiologia pdf
Bendixen M., Huang K., dos Santos N., Mubagowindekwe M., Twizere M., Habinema P., Iversen L.L. (2024): Towards a holistic understanding of artisanal aggregate mining in Rwanda. The Extractive Industries and Society. pdf
Morueta-Holme N., Iversen L.L., Corcoran D., Rahbek C., Normand S. (2024): Unlocking ground-based imagery for habitat mapping. Trends in Ecology & Evolution pdf
Hoblyn A., Iversen L.L. (2024): Effects on Local Oxygen Conditions by the Invasive Macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum. Aquatic Botany pdf
Bendixen M., Kanhema, T., Iversen L.L. (2023): Putting Africa on the Map. Nature Africa. doi: pdf
Blonder B., GaüzèreP., Iversen L. L., Ke P.J., Petry W, RayC., Salguero-Gomez R., Sharpless W., Violle C. (2023): Predicting and controlling ecological communities via trait and environment mediated parameterizations of dynamical models. Oikos pdf
Pan Y.*, García–Girón J.* Iversen L.L.* (2023): Global change and plant−ecosystem functioning in freshwaters. Trends in Plant Science [*shared first author]. pdf
Bendixen M., Noorbhai N., Zhou J., Iversen L.L., Huang K. (2023): Drivers and effects of construction-sand mining in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Extractive Industries and Society. pdf
Monchamp M-E, Taranu ZE, Garner RE, Rehill T, Morissette O, Iversen LL, Fugère V, Littlefair JE, Barbosa da Costa N, Desforges JE, Sanchez Schacht JR, Derry AM, Cooke SJ, Barrett RDH, Walsh DA, Ragoussis J, Albert M, Cristescu ME, Gregory-Eaves I. (2023). Prioritizing taxa for genetic reference database development to advance freshwater conservation. Biological Conservation. pdf
Iversen L.L., García–Girón J., Pan Y., (2022): Towards linking freshwater plants and ecosystems via functional biogeography. Aquatic Botany. doi: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2021.103454 pdf
Christiansen D.M., Iversen L.L., Ehrlén J., Hylander K., (2022): Changes in forest structure drive temperature preferences of boreal understory plant communities. Journal of Ecology dot: 10.1111/1365-2745.13825 pdf
Bendixen* M., Iversen* L.L., Best J., Franks D. M., Hackney C. R., Latrubesse E. M., Tusting L. (2021): Sand, gravel and UN Sustainable Development Goals: conflicts, synergies and pathways forward. One Earth. [*shared first author]. doi:10.1016/j.oneear.2021.07.008 pdf
Harfoot M.B. J., Johnston A., Balmford A., Burgess N. D., Butchart S. H. M., Dias M. P., Hazin C., Hilton-Taylor C., Hoffmann M., Isaac N. J. B., Iversen L.L., Outhwaite C. L., Visconti P., Geldmann J. (2021): Using the IUCN Red List to map threats to terrestrial vertebrates at global scale. Nature Ecology and Evolution pdf
García–Girón J., Heino J., Iversen L.L. , Helm A., Alahuhta J. (2021): Rarity in freshwater vascular plants across Europe and North America: Patterns, mechanisms and future scenarios. Science of the Total Environment doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147491 pdf
Blonder B., Ray C., Walton J., Castaneda M., Chadwick D., Clyne M., Gaüzere P., Iversen L. L., Lusk M., Strimbeck G. R., Troy S., Mock K. (2021): Cytotype and genotype predict mortality and recruitment in Colorado quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides). Ecological Applications doi: 10.1002/eap.2438 pdf
Rinnan R., Iversen L. L., Tang J., Vedel-Petersen I., Schollert M. & Schurgers G. (2020): Separating direct and indirect effects of rising temperatures on biogenic volatile emissions in the Arctic. PNAS. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2008901117 pdf
Gaüzère P., Iversen L.L., Seddon A.W.R., Violle C. & Blonder B. (2020): Equilibrium in plant functional trait responses to warming is stronger under higher climate variability during the Holocene. Global Ecology and Biogeography DOI:10.1111/geb.13176 pdf
Iversen L. L., Winkel A., Baastrup-Spohr L., Hinke A. B., Alahuhta J., Baattrup-Pedersen A., Birk S., Brodersen P., Chambers P A., Ecke F., Feldmann T., Gebler D., Heino J., Jespersen T S., Moe S J., Riis T., Sass L., Vestergaard O., Maberly S C., Sand-Jensen K., & Pedersen O. (2019): Catchment properties and the photosynthetic trait composition of freshwater plant communities. Science DOI 10.1126/science.aay5945. pdf
St. Pierre K. A., Danielsen B. K., Hermesdorf L., D'Imperio L., Iversen L. L., & Elberling B. (2019): Drivers of net methane uptake across Greenlandic dry heath tundra landscapes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.107605 pdf
Bendixen M., Best J., Hackney C., & Iversen L.L. (2019): Time is running out for sand. Nature. DOI: 10.1038/d41586-019-02042-4 pdf
Bendixen M. & Iversen L.L. (2019): One couple, two cities: How to handle an international career move. Nature. DOI: 10.1038/d41586-019-00582-3 pdf
Iversen L.L., Svensson E.I., Christensen S.T., Bergsten J. & Sand-Jensen K. (2019): Sexual conflict and intrasexual polymorphism promote assortative mating and halts population differentiation. Proceedings B. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2019.0251 pdf
Bendixen M., Overeem I., Rosing M., Bjørk A.A., Kjær K.H., Kroon A., Zeitz G., & Iversen L.L. (2019): Promises and perils of sand exploitation in Greenland. Nature Sustainability. DOI: 10.1038/s41893-018-0218-6 pdf
Gaüzère P., Iversen L.L., Barnagaud J.-Y., Svenning J.-C., & Blonder B. (2018): Empirical predictability of community responses to climate change. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2018.00186 pdf
Iversen L.L. & Bendixen M. (2018): Funding agencies can prevent harassment. Science. DOI: 10.1126/science.aau3979 pdf
Bendixen* M., Iversen* L.L., Bjørk A.A., Elberling B., Westergaard-Nielsen A., Overeem I., Barnhart K., Khan S.A., Box J.E., Abermann J., Langley K., & Kroon A. (2017): Delta progradation in Greenland driven by increasing glacial mass loss. Nature. [*shared first author]. DOI 10.1038/nature23873 pdf
Bendixen M., Iversen L.L., & Overeem I. (2017): Greenland: Build an economy on sand. Science. DOI:10.1126/science.aar3388 pdf
Iversen L.L., Rannap R., Briggs L., & Sand-Jensen K. (2017): Time restricted flight ability influences dispersal and colonization rates in a group of freshwater beetles. Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2680 pdf
Iversen L.L., Jacobsen, D., & Sand-Jensen K. (2016): Are latitudinal richness gradients in European freshwater species only structured according to dispersal and time? Ecography DOI: 10.1111/ecog.02183 pdf
Iversen L.L., Rannap R., Briggs L., & Sand-Jensen K. (2016): Variable history of land use reduces the relationship to specific habitat requirements of a threatened aquatic insect. Population Ecology DOI: 10.1007/s10144-015-0516-z pdf
Iversen L.L., Kielgast J., & Sand-Jensen K. (2015): Monitoring of animal abundance by environmental DNA - an increasingly obscure perspective: A reply to Klymus et al., 2015. Biological Conservation DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2015.09.024 pdf
Rannap R., Kaart T., Iversen L.L., Briggs L., & Vries W. (2015): Geographically Varying Habitat Characteristics of a Wide-ranging Amphibian, the Common Spadefoot Toad (Pelobates fuscus), in Northern Europe. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 10(3):904–916 pdf
Baastrup-Spohr L., Iversen L. L., Borum J., & Sand-Jensen K. (2015): Niche specialization and functional traits regulate the rarity of charophytes in the Nordic countries. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2544 pdf
pre - 2015
Iversen L. L., Rannap R., Kielgast J., Thomsen P.F., & Sand-Jensen K. (2013): How do low dispersal species establish large range sizes? – the case of the water beetle Graphoderus bilineatus. Ecography 36: 770–777 pdf
Baastrup-Spohr L., Iversen, L.L., Dahl-Nielsen J., & Sand-Jensen K. (2013): Seventy years of changes in the abundance of Danish charophytes. Freshwater Biology 58: 1682–1693 pdf
Thomsen, P. F., Kielgast, J., Iversen, L. L., Møller, P.R., Rasmussen, M., & Willerslev, E. (2012): Detection of a Diverse Marine Fish Fauna Using Environmental DNA from Seawater Samples. PLoS ONE 7(8): e41732. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041732 pdf
Thomsen, P. F., Kielgast, J., Iversen, L. L., Wiuf, C., Rasmussen, M., Gilbert M. T. P., Orlando, L., & Willerslev, E. (2012) Monitoring endangered freshwater biodiversity by environmental DNA. Molecular Ecology. 21: 2565-2573 pdf
Iversen, L. L., Pedersen J., & P. F. Thomsen (2011): Hydrovatus cuspidatus Kunze 1818 – a nearly new Danish diving beetle (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae). Ent. Meddr. 71(1): 39-44 pdf
Enghoff, H., Pedersen, J., Thomsen, P.F., & Iversen, L. L. (2011): Millipedes, centipedes and harvestmen from Rødbyhavn and environs – with five species new for the Danish fauna (Diplopoda, Chilopoda, Opiliones). Ent. Meddr. 71 (1): 3-12 pdf
Book chapters:
In Boudot J-P & Kalkman V.J. (eds.) 2015: Atlas of the European dragonflies and damselflies. KNNV publishing, the Netherlands. ISBN: 9789050114806
- Iversen L.L & E. Nielsen: Country accounts, Denmark p. 39.
- Kalkman V.J, Iversen L.L & Nielsen E.: Aeshna grandis (Linneus, 1758). p. 155-157
- Kalkman V.J, Iversen L.L & Nielsen E.: Aeshna isoceles (Müller, 1767). p. 157-158
- Kalkman V.J, Iversen L.L & Nielsen E.: Aeshna juncea (Linneus, 1767). p. 159-160
- Kalkman V.J, Iversen L.L & Nielsen E.: Aeshna mixta (Latreille, 1805). p. 161-162
- Kalkman V.J, Iversen L.L & Nielsen E.: Aeshna subarctica Walker, 1908. p. 165-166
Non-peer-reviewed journals:
Iversen, LL. (2016): Spatial distribution of Aquatic Insects. PhD-thesis. 138 pp. pdf
Iversen, L. 2002. Polypedates leucomystax - an interesting acquaintance. Nordisk Herpetologisk Forening. 45 (2):59-64
Iversen L. (2001): Keeping and breeding Hymenochirus boettgeri. Nordisk Herpetologisk Forening. 44(6): 185-189
Iversen L. (2001): Herpetological observations in Manaus, Amazonas 2. Small streams in the in the rainforest and a labyrinth of islands. Nordisk Herpetologisk Forening. 44(2): 42-55.
Iversen L. (2001): Herpetological observations in Manaus, Amazonas 1. The great swamp. Nordisk Herpetologisk Forening. 44(1): 35-40
Iversen. L & Graff H. (2000): Holmegårds Mose, en feltherpetologisk perle. Nordisk Herpetologisk Forening. 43(2): .39-42
Iversen, L. (1999): A red color morph of the slow worm (Anguis fragilis). Nordisk Herpetologisk Forening.. 42(3):89-90.