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Welcome to the homepage of Lars L. Iversen - Freshwater kid and PhD Fellow from Copenhagen, Denmark,

Provence Grasshoppers

Lars Iversen

Having spend a weekend in Southern France I got the chance to catch up with the lost joy of catching grasshoppers. With only about 50 species in the whole of Scandinavia it's always a bit of a mind blow to visit regions in Southern Europe where local species list often exceeds 100 species. Provence was no exception, many great species including the Mont Ventoux endemic Podisma amedegnatoae

Lars Iversen


Paper I co-authored is out in Aquatic conservation. It demonstrates how species of Characean algae (charophytes) with a large range size have broad ecological niches, rapid growth rates and flexible life cycle durations. Thus, the distribution of charophytes in Scandinavia follow some of the common patterns documented for other groups.


Lars Iversen

Next Monday I will set out for a two months field campaign in Lithuania and Sweden. The travel will partly be collecting field data and partly performing mesocosmos experiments in southern Sweden.  Among other things I will be doing a project exploring how species react to changes in a pond - lake network in the old agricultural landscape in southern Lithuania. One of the few places in Europe where the land is still plowed by hand and the hydrology in the agricultural landscape is more or less untouched. I will also venture into the large raised bogs in the coastal region of Lithuania. Some of the most westerly distributed boreal raised bogs in Europe.

Exiting stuff and of course there will be extensive rain in these areas throughout May and June.

Enjoy the summer.


Natural peat lake in Aukstumala, Lithuania

Natural peat lake in Aukstumala, Lithuania

Cattle ponds in Lithuania © ECONAT

Cattle ponds in Lithuania © ECONAT